TOYOTA rent a car os的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們挖掘出下列價位、菜單、推薦和訂位總整理

國立高雄科技大學 企業管理系 余銘忠所指導 李姿靜的 應用資料包絡分析法衡量汽車經銷商營業據點之績效—以某汽車經銷商為例 (2020),提出TOYOTA rent a car os關鍵因素是什麼,來自於汽車營業據點、績效評估、資料包絡分析法。

而第二篇論文國立中興大學 全球事務研究跨洲碩士學位學程 Osmar Ernesto Arandia Pérez所指導 瑞卡答的 探討現任產業接軌共享經濟之可能性 (2019),提出因為有 共享經濟、B2B共享經濟、協作、服務、訪問與所有權、數字平台、為現有企業共享經濟、共享經濟參與度、共享建築行業、共享收益的重點而找出了 TOYOTA rent a car os的解答。


除了TOYOTA rent a car os,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決TOYOTA rent a car os的問題,作者李姿靜 這樣論述:

據台灣區車輛同業公會網站(2020)統計2019年的全球年度銷售業績出爐,擁有超過十二個品牌的大眾集團,總領牌共計為10,336,495輛。台灣市場地小人稠,是各家知名汽車廠商兵家必爭之地,面對如此競爭的產業環境,對公司而言如何有效衡量各營業據點的經營效率,作為經營績效改善管理依據,成為公司永續經營的重要課題。然而現行公司KPI績效衡量機制不僅項目繁多且鎖碎,營業據點不易自行計算進行檢討改善,容易造成不公平之衡量。汽車銷售行業中有分成售前及售後二大區塊,本研究是作售前這個區塊,應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),以租金、業代人數作為投入項,以實




為了解決TOYOTA rent a car os的問題,作者瑞卡答 這樣論述:

The Sharing Economy (SE) is challenging incumbent businesses across all industries. Innovative platform-based companies are evolving with disruptive business models based on network effects and minimized transaction costs. In order to stay competitive and profit from its many benefits, traditional

businesses should consider taking part in the SE. Consequently, the overall purpose of this research is to encourage and support incumbent businesses to engage in the SE by implementing sharing concepts into their organizational structure and/or business model. Therefore, the first part of the resea

rch demonstrates the Sharing Economy’s importance to incumbent businesses and raises awareness of the scope of sharing concepts by showing the broadness of the topic. Respectively, a comprehensive model displaying a company’s engagement options in the SE plus resulting benefits was developed from an

extensive literature review. The second part of this master’s thesis is to clarify doubts about the feasibility of implementing sharing concepts to an incumbent business from a rather traditional industry. This was done by applying the before developed model to the case of a component supplier in t

he construction industry, which resulted in five concrete engagement options for the sample company. The study revealed that there exists a wide range of SE opportunities to increase asset utilization and create new revenue streams across various parts of the business. With these results, other incu

mbent businesses from the construction industries as well as other sectors should get a first impression of the possibilities the SE offers and an impulse to initiate changes within their own organization.